A daily brushing regimen paired with a good flossing technique is the best dental care tips to prevent major teeth problems in the future. Brushing and flossing effectively remove harmful bacteria around the mouth, which would otherwise cause decay or disease. Routine dental care is covered through basic dental insurance to help you maintain the health of your mouth.
Welcome to the Encinitas dental office of Gregory Skeens, JR., DDS. We are your home for caring dental treatment that supports superior oral health and helps you achieve the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Our modern facility is equipped with cutting-edge technology and our team is here to make your visit enjoyable and relaxing.
We take a truly individualized approach to dentistry, which is why our practice is so popular. After every treatment, Encinitas dentist Dr. Skeens personally makes follow- up phone calls to patients to ensure that they are feeling well. Your comfort and well-being are of ultimate importance.